With our business email you may also share files externally. This function is extremely useful for people who often send large attachment but don't want to risk their email being rejected.
To share a file you must first upload a file
1. Click on the File
Storage icon
2. Click on Upload and choose a file you wish to upload it to the server.
3. Click on the checkbox of the file you wish to have it shared.
4. You can now select the time of which the file is publicly available for. If you want it to be available indefinitely then leave the
Link Expires fields empty. You can also
password protect the link as well.
5. Finally click on the
Enable public access to have this file available externally.
6. At the bottom you will see a
Public URL. This custom URL is the link you will need to send to your recipient to allow them to view the file externally.
7. Once you are done hit
- Filename - The name of the file.
- Link Expires - The date and time that the public link to download the file expires. If this field is not completed, the link will never expire.
- Enabled - Select this option to enable the link expiration date.
- Access Password - The password used to download the file. If this field is not completed, no password is needed to download the file via the public link.
- Enabled - Select this option to make the file password protected.
- Enable public access - Select this option to make the file available for sharing via a public link.